
Peer Review Team Chair Visit

The College of Management (CoM) was thrilled to have the Chair of its peer review team (PRT), Dean Whittington, on campus on October 13-15, 2015. Dean Whittington from the Driehaus College of Business and the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, DePaul University had significant PRT experiences. The purpose of his visit was to work with the College to develop its Self-Evaluation Report and the schedule for the PRT visit.


As a part of Formosa Plastics Group (FPG), the College has profound relation with its affiliated business units in terms of industry collaborations and corporate culture. CoM scheduled a customized tour to FPG Museum for Dean Whittington. Department chairs and Dean Guu were with him in the museum to give more insights of the Group and the College.


During the visit, AACSB Taskforce went in details of all 21 standards especially faculty qualifications and implementation of Assurance of Learning (AoL) and sought for Dean Whittington’s advice. He was also engaged in dialogue with university authorities, employers and alumni.


Dean Whittington proposed a few aspects that CoM could work on. Those issues were immediately discussed and solved before the official PRT on-site visit.
