DFT Learning goal


1. Our students will acquire understanding of the knowledge in digital financial technology.
1-1. Our students will understand the core foundations of finance.
1-2. Our students will understand the core foundations of information technology.

2. Our students will demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge of digital finance in practical industry settings.
2-1. Our students will acquire proficiency in financial data analytics.
2-2. Our students will showcase their ability to implement emerging technologies within the financial services industry.

3. Our students will be able to solve problems effectively.
3-1. Our students will be able to describe the systematic approach problem-solving.
3-2. Our students will be able to systematically identify a business problem and develop a feasible solution.

4. Our students will be able to communicate effectively.
4-1. Our students will be able to deliver a quality presentation.
4-2. Our students will be able to use interpersonal communication skills effectively.

5. Our students will be aware of issues in ethics and responsibilities.
5-1. Our students will be able to understand ethics issues.
5-2. Our students will exhibit understanding of the professional code of conduct in their discipline.


科目名稱 學分 必修/選修 1–1 1–2 2–1 2–2 3–1 3–2 4–1 4–2 5–1 5–2
財務管理 3 必修 V
貨幣與金融機構 3 必修 V
資本市場與投資 3 必修 V
資料結構 3 必修 V
金融資料探勘與機器學習 2 必修 V V
財務金融深度學習 2 必修 V V
金融數位轉型 2 必修 V V V
數位金融工作坊-數位支付 1 必修 V
數位金融創新模式 2 必修 V V V
金融科技APP(1):開發 3 必修 V
金融科技APP(2):專題 3 必修 V V
金融數位行銷 2 必修 V
金融科技導論 2 必修 V
企業概論 2 必修 V
數位金融工作坊-監理沙盒 1 必修 V
法遵科技與風險管理 2 必修 V V